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The Council of the CPBS held it's third meeting of 2015 last night. The memorandum and articles review committee reported that after taking all submissions into consideration it is almost ready to present the first draft of the proposed amendments. The marketing committee is undertaking market research and members of the Society will be invited to participate in an online survey. Two bus tours are being organised as part of Show week. One will visit the Letterfrack and Renvyle area and the other will visit Ballyconneely and Cashel. Funding has been applied for to run a training course for a panel of inspectors. In his report to the Council Inspection Chairman Jim Mullaney stated that the Triangle would be used in assessing the movement of the colts at walk and trot in the Spring Inspections.The Triangle facilitates the viewing of walk and trot from three different perspectives, as follows, while the inspectors remain at the apex of th triangle--1) going away or rear/posterior view, 2) going by or side/lateral view and 3)coming toward or frontal/anterior view. It is generally felt that aspects of movement such as freedom at the elbow, length of stride, and the ability to track up can be more accurately assessed on the Triangle. The inspection review committee has commenced its work and it is hoped Dr. Jack Murphy will attend the April council meeting to discuss the review. Tom MacLochlainn gave a report on the Horse Sport Ireland breeding sub board meetings and spoke about the Knowledge Transfer Equine(KTE) programme whereby participants are paid 750 euro over a 3 year period, following satisfactory completion of the requirements.  KTE is based on the existing and very successful beef, dairy and sheep discussion groups. The scheme aims at improving the technical and financial performance of producers. Each group will comprise of a facillitator and approx. 15 participants. Facillitators will ideally have an Equine Science degree. Participants will probably have at least three mares. It is hoped to have the scheme up and running by July with 500 participants in the first year.. While the details of the scheme are not yet finalised it was agreed that it could be of considerable interest to breeders. The Council is working on creating a mission statement for the Society and developing a long term and short term strategic plan.
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