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The Council of the CPBS met last night at Dartfield Horse Museum in Loughrea for its fourth meeting of 2015. We were honoured to have Minister Michael Ring and Professor Pat Wall, Chairman of Horse Sport Ireland address the meeting. The specification for the new database is almost completed and will go for tender in the coming days. Dr Jack Murphy who is compiling a review of the CPBS Classification system chaired a lively discussion about classification and inspections. Topics discussed included overheight ponies, selection of inspectors, inspector training, linear scoring, performance ponies, and pedigrees. Dr. Murphy will meet again with the Council before concluding his review. Jerry Mahon, Chairman of Memorandum and Articles committee advised the Council that the review is very near its final stages. It was agreed to have a daylong meeting in May for the Council to consider the final draft of the proposed changes. Prof. Pat Wall gave the preliminary selection of Clifden judges to the Council. These judges will now be contacted and invited to judge in Clifden. The judges will be allocated to their rings on the morning of the show.
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