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A council meeting of the CPBS council took place on Monday 27th February in Gullanes Hotel, Ballinalsoe, Co Galway.  A lengthy discussion on the CPBS classification system took place and the meeting agreed to bring the points to the breeders and members at an Educational talk during the Spring Festival.  The meeting congratulated all individuals who completed the Linear Profiling course and a new course would be commencing in March, for four consecutive Sundays.  The CPBS Performance Committee informed the meeting that Connemara pony Carn Verdon Boy owned by Deirdre & Joan Geoghegan would be travelling to Holland to train and compete in dressage.  Carn Verdon Boy and his local rider Alana Cazabon from Cleggan have competed successfully in Ireland and we wish them the best of luck on their new adventure in Holland.  The CPBS have helped with  sponsorship for Carn Verdon Boy and will keep everyone posted on their achievements.  The meeting agreed to have Hall of Fame awards at the CPBS dinner dance on Saturday 1st April.  Tickets are available from Kevin Bolger 087 0920508. The next CPBS Council meeting is Monday 3rd April. On Saturday 1st April there will be three educational
  1. Hoof Wall Separation Disease (HWSD) Mrs Kate Murray, MVB, MRCVS
  2. Linear Profiling - Mr. Philip Scott (CPBS Inspector and HSI Accredited Tutor)
  3. CPBS Classification System - CPBS Inspection Committee
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