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The Connemara Pony Breeders’ Society wishes to congratulate the Danish and Swedish Connemara Pony Societies on their Golden Jubilees and thank their breeders for the support they have given the pony and its breeders here in Ireland over the last fifty years. Both the Danish Society (since 1964) and Swedish Society (since 1965) have promoted and championed the Connemara pony in Scandinavia with great success. The CPBS very much appreciates their work. Over the last fifty years enduring friendships have blossomed between breeders in the three countries and the annual influx of Scandinavian visitors to the Connemara Pony Festival is eagerly anticipated. The CPBS is keen to acknowledge the social and economic impact of this valuable dimension. Such is the success of the Connemara pony in both countries that their National pony teams at the European Championships invariably include two or three Connemara ponies despite competition from numerous other breeds. Last year at the annual festival Mrs. Gerda Merrild from Denmark was awarded the Michael O’Malley award for her contribution to the Connemara pony in Europe. Mrs. Merrild and Countess Oxenstierna were among early importers of famous ponies from Connemara such as Jealous Lady, Flash Girl and the stallion Marble. Many of the early imports into these countries were facilitated by equestrian journalist and huntsman Stanislaus Lynch. Mr. Lynch’s claims to fame apart from his many publications were the two Olympic medals he won for his literature of the hunt. Not alone did these early ponies establish the Connemara as a pony of choice for so many in Denmark and Sweden, other countries such as Norway, Finland and Germany began to source Connemara ponies from those early Scandinavian studs as the fame of the Connemara pony swept through Europe. To this day being Irish bred remains a unique selling point in Sweden for ponies and horses. To acknowledge this contribution the CPBS will make a presentation of a jubilee cup to both Societies during the Connemara Pony Festival in August. As each Society organises a National show for Connemara ponies it is hoped that the jubilee cups will become a coveted prize for pony owners. The presentation will take place at the annual International reception for overseas societies at the Abbeyglen Castle Hotel in Clifden on Tuesday 18th August at 8pm. Representatives from each of the seventeen daughter societies worldwide will join in this celebration which will be a highlight of the weeklong festival in Clifden.
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