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  The unqualified success of the show jumping programme at the Creagh Christmas Show begs the question why this did not happen before now. Seventy-five ponies jumped in the four competitions, 80, 90, 1m and 1.10, most of them in two competitions. Despite the torrential rain and flooding, the showjumpers seemed to come out of the woodwork for what was somewhat of a watershed in how we market our pony. There will obviously be a lot more ‘days like this’. Sincerest gratitude to the Carey family of the Creagh Equestrian Centre, Clive Swindell, Diamond’s Equestrian centre, Horse Sport Ireland, Kieran Egan and all our sponsors. Thanks also to the arena crew and of course it would not have happened without the total dedication of the office staff, Niamh, Emer, Carol and Becky, who worked tirelessly to keep the show running smoothly. It was fitting that the Showjumper of the Year, Cúl Bán Mistress, was there with her Dad, Silver Shadow, as surprise guests. It was a special day.  
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