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At a specially convened meeting of the Council of the CPBS in Galway today to consider proposed amendments to the current Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Society, the Council approved the amendments and they now proceed to the next stage of the process. Several attempts have been made in recent years to amend the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the CPBS to meet the needs of members in the 21st Century. The original document dates from 1959. The present Council at its first meeting in November 2014 identified the need for change to the Memorandum and Articles and set this as its priority for 2015. A committee was formed under the chairmanship of Jerry Mahon to present a document detailing the required changes to be considered by the Council with a view to bringing the proposals to an EGM for the consideration of the members. Mr. Mahon presented the committees proposals to the Council on Sunday May 10th where they were adopted by a large majority. The next step will be to submit the proposed amendments to the Revenue Commissioner and if accepted an EGM will be called by the Council in the coming weeks. It is planned to arrange a number of meetings throughout the country in the near future to explain the details of the proposals to the membership. At the conclusion of the Council meeting Mr. Mahon and his committee were enthusiastically thanked for their tremendous hard work by the Council. The committee comprised of Jerry Mahon, Cathríona O’Toole, Peter O’Malley, Eamonn McDonagh, Hugh Musgrave, Andy O’Donoghue and Tom MacLochlainn. The proposed amendments to the existing CPBS Memorandum and Articles provide for transparency and accountability which will guide the Society as a limited company in managing its business in a professional manner into the future. Key features include:
  • All Ireland Representation
  • Province Representation
  • Seat allocated on a Province basis.
  • Council size increased to 21.
  • Minimum of 7 seats available for election to Council each year.
  • Seats allocated on the basis of membership in each of the four Provinces.
  • Maximum period of six years on Council
  • Maximum period for council members is 3 years before seeking re -election.
  • Maximum period of one year for executive officers in their roles after which they may present themselves for election by Council Members.
  • Maximum period for the Presidency 2 years and then must stand down for a least I year after which he/she may seek re-election to the Council
  • Fixed rotational stages of seats on Council.
  • All Council members will face elections at least once in 3 years.
  • Postal vote by members.
  • Change in Executive Officer positions and their roles.
  • Modernised means of communications.
  • Membership renewal date extended.
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