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2023 Accounts

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Approved by the Council of the Connemara Pony Breeders Society at its meeting of the 4th September 2024 subject to a review of the legal cases currently with the Company Solicitors.

Council Statement:

The Board of Directors of the CPBS wishes to inform its members and stakeholders that the draft audited accounts for the year 2023, as prepared by our appointed auditor, are now available for review.

These accounts have been thoroughly examined and reflect the financial position of the society for 2023. The Board acknowledges with concern the significant losses recorded for the year 2023.

In light of these figures, the Council of the CPBS, has agreed that a further investigation will be conducted to determine the causes and contributing factors behind these losses.

This investigation is intended to provide a clearer understanding and to guide future decision-making.

We remain committed to transparency and accountability and we will keep our members updated as we proceed with this process.


2023 Acounts Available Here