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When selling / transferring ownership: • Give the passport to the buyer / new owner at the time of sale and • Complete and sign the "seller" sections of the Connemara Pony Breeders' Society form (buyer to also complete their part) and • Take a photocopy or photograph of the completed form for your records. • Give the original completed form to the buyer/new owner. When buying / acquiring ownership: • You must receive the passport from the seller at the time of purchase. • You must complete the "buyer" parts of this form and ensure the seller has also completed their section. • You must forward this form and the passport with the appropriate fee to the Connemara Pony Breeders' Society within 30 days of taking ownership. Records/Penalties: • Both parties should keep a copy of this transfer of ownership declaration - photocopying or photo will suffice. • DAFM authorised officers may carry out inspections and have powers to inspect records and documents. • Failure to register the transfer of ownership within the time limit is now a serious offence in Ireland and attracts heavy penalties. • Giving false, misleading or incomplete information is also a legal offence. Registered Premises : • It is a legal requirement under the Control on Places where Horses are kept Regulations (SI 113 of 2014) that all premises where equine are kept must be registered with the Department of Agriculture. Accordingly, you should ensure that your equine is being kept on a registered premises. If your holding is not already registered as an Equine Premises, you should apply immediately to your regional office of the DAFM for an Equine Premises Number.
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